Newborn died on a hospital !! table because doctors thought he was already dead !!

Sebastian Sparrow was a newborn delivered by Caesarean section. Doctors thought he was already dead but he was still much alive. Two days after, he finally succumbed to death.

There are many cases of neglect and malpractice done by doctors which resulted to lose of life. What will you when the person you should trust with your life will actually be the cause of your death or the death of someone you love?

Sebastian Sparrow died two days after being born at the Royal Free Hospital. The newborn baby was left gasping for breath on a resuscitation table because the doctors thought that he is already dead.

Sebastian was born by a Caesarean section on November 6, 2013. He should be a healthy baby since no problems were detected throughout the pregnancy. It was suggested that the newborn must have sustained brain damage during the delivery since three attempts were tried by different obstetricians to deliver him. The baby was in ‘very poor condition’ which was shocking since there were no complications were detected before the delivery. He was ‘pale, floppy and with absolutely no tone’ according to the medical staff who attended the birth. The baby was also not breathing.

There was an attempt to resuscitate the baby but after 30 minutes, he was pronounced dead. The baby was left on the table and the staff offered their condolences. As the staff prepared the baby to be brought to a private room, the pediatricians discovered that Sebastian was making ‘post death gasping actions’.

It was pointed out that Sebastian must have sustained a brain injury caused by delivery attempts during the Caesarean. The wrong diagnosis led to more complications and the baby’s eventual death.

After two and a half years, the doctor accepts that there were serious failings in the care that Sebastian had. The doctor also promised that he would do things differently in the future.

Doctors should not get careless with somebody’s life. It is their responsibility to perform carefully and swiftly, to ascertain the patient’s true situation before responding and not get careless as they hold and is entrusted a person’s life in their hands. The case of Sebastian, may he rest in peace, must not be repeated in the future
Newborn died on a hospital !! table because doctors thought he was already dead !! Newborn died on a hospital !! table because doctors thought he was already dead !! Reviewed by Unknown on 12:30 AM Rating: 5


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