Girl defends her boyfriend from internet bullies. Her message is overflowing with love !!

What supposed to be a fun and adorable photo took turn for the worse after Reddit users attack Reed with derogatory comments and particularly shaming him for his weight. The whole thread became a bully fest and it made Ashley angry.

She posted this message in defense of her boyfriend to address the nasty commenters - calling them "shallow and rude".

If you have seen the comments on our photo that went viral, they are pretty shallow and rude, she writes. I would advise you not to look at them. It surprises me how many people are so quick to judge when they don’t even know you.

"Well let me just tell you, I won the jackpot with Christopher," she continues. “He may not have rock hard abs like the world tells girls to want in a guy, but really, why does that even matter when you are trying to really find someone to spend the rest of your life with? He is so thoughtful and patient, he always shows me how he loves me in little ways, he is my best friend. I love him for who he is and he loves me for who I am.”

The child inspired a lot because she is showing everybody how strong is her will to be alive.

The doctor added, “She has gained a lot of weight and her activities have improved a lot. But whether she will be able to live a normal life, nobody can say.”

A lot of hydrocephalus patients faces consequences after a lot of surgeries on their head. Sometimes lead to abnormal functions on their physical abilities and even in their physical appearance.

However, how surprisingly Roona recovered, we cannot judge how she’ll be in the future. We hope that Roona will continue to be inspirational to others!

The couple has been together for 2.5 years. A feat for most people. They proved that it is not the physical appearance that make a couple last long. They proved that haters are just haters - bitter, jealous and petty people who hide behind their keyboards.
Girl defends her boyfriend from internet bullies. Her message is overflowing with love !! Girl defends her boyfriend from internet bullies. Her message is overflowing with love !! Reviewed by Unknown on 6:28 AM Rating: 5


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