Man posed as a woman in a dating site. What he discovered shocked him !!

Man transformed himself to become a woman and try dating online. He realized how women are treated online. The experience is too shocking.

Sy Tomas is very unsuccessful on getting dates using online dating sites. He decided to conduct an experiment posing as a woman to find out how the experience is for the opposite sex. Sy underwent a makeover – feminine clothes, wig and full make-up.

He said that he conducted the experiment so that he can learn techniques from men trying to woo him. He called himself ‘Simone’, a 28-year-old woman who likes to take mirror selfies and pictures outside holding a coffee cup. Sy said that his profile was viewed 200,000 times.

In three days, he received more than 400 messages. But that is not the shocking part. He was flooded with inappropriate comments and cheesy pick-up lines from many men.

Many of the messages started off with the common “Hi” and “Hello”. Some messages were creative and interesting. The messages disappointed Sy so he urged them ‘to put some thought’ to their messages.

One message asked if ‘Simone’ likes Harry Potter and proceeded with “If so you should open up your Chamber of Secrets and let my Basilisk Slytherin".

Some were steamy. One read: 'If you were a washing machine, I'd put my dirty load inside you.’ Sy remarked that the message should be illegal.

Not all are filthy and crude. One man impressed Sy when he complimented him and wrote: 'Your eyes are amazing, nice to meet you.' 

When asked what he learned through the experiment, he answered, “A lot of these opening messages, you'd never say that to someone in a bar. The best messages were the ones that were genuine and nice and those were the ones that hit home and that's what I'm going to be more like when I'm doing online dating.” 

What Sy experienced happens to many women. If Sy is shocked with the responses of men in online dating sites, what more of the women’s reactions? So men, if you want to snag good women online, try not to be crude !!!

Man posed as a woman in a dating site. What he discovered shocked him !! Man posed as a woman in a dating site. What he discovered shocked him !! Reviewed by Unknown on 11:53 PM Rating: 5


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